Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving-Cricut Indian scene

 Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!  I hope that you take time to really reflect on what you are thankful for this year.  I know we go through the motions of each day and we forget how truly blessed we are.  I wanted to share a little project I helped my dd with for her "Indian project" at school.  She worked in a group on research about the Indians, but then each child had to do something on their own to share.  She had great plans, like I make her a costume or I make her doll a costume.  I am not very confident with my sewing skills so that made me shake a little.  I had resigned that we would make her doll an Indian outfit, had Indian looking doll, and different colors of felt in hand to go the checkout, where what do I spot? Cricut carts for sale at checkout and that led me to remember that I owned the Cricut cart for the dress up paper dolls and that their were Indians.  So this is what transpired.  Love the Cricut.  It had the pots, baskets, corn, tepees, canoe, paddle, bow and arrow, headdresses and clothes for a boy and girl.  Then we just cut and glued the pieces together.  My dd likes paper dolls so I put the girls on craft sticks so she can play with them by moving them around the scene (scene was attached to outside of shoebox). She loved it.  Sorry pictures are so bad, but I had to take them quickly before she left for school and lighting was not so good.  I am thankful for my Cricut and all the great images that were perfect for this school project.  Thank you for visiting.  Have a great Thanksgiving.

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